Build Passive Income With & Compound Your Profits With Hive-Backed Dollars

For the last few months I’ve been able to build passive income with and then compound my profits with HBD. HBD (Hive Backed Dollar) is a stable coin on the blockchain. It is pegged to the US dollar and offers an annual interest rate of 20%, paid weekly.

Passive Income with “Zero Out-of-Pocket” Expenses?

Not only have I built a passive monthly income with, but I’ve also been able to do that with zero “out of pocket” expenses since March 2023.

In the video below I take you inside my dashboard and show you my results. Then I show you how I’m converting my commissions from Bitcoin to HIVE, and then from HIVE to Hive Backed Dollars to take advantage of the 20% interest rate.

Actually, the video is in response to a question about my claim that I was making money with Livegood with “no out-of-pocket expenses” and putting the profits into HBD.

In a recent post that I published on, I explained how I’d been able to double my HBD savings from $300 to $600 to get me onto the “second rung” of my “HBD Freedom Ladder”:

Really? Zero Out-of-Pocket?

One of my Hive buddies asked: “is it really [zero] out of pocket…?”

How I’m Compounding Passive Profits With HBD

So I decided to make a video to show how I’ve been passively earning profits from with “zero out-of-pocket expenses” since March 2023, and how I compound those profits by converting them from BTC to HIVE and then into HBD to earn 20% p/a. Watch the video to see how I do it:

Using Affiliate Marketing Profits To Dollar Cost Average Into Crypto!

Affiliate marketing enables me to grow my crypto holdings without investing any “out of pocket income.”

Of course, you need to get the affiliate program you are working with to yield a consistent profit to be able to claim that there is no “out-of-pocket expense” involved, but for me it is a great way to “dollar cost average” my way into crypto, especially into Bitcoin, and the HBD stable coin on the Hive Blockchain.


David Hurley


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