Crypto Accumulation Report, 2nd March-1st April 2023

Here’s a quick look at my progress towards my 2023 crypto accumulation goals during the month of March.

As you can see, I made at least some progress across the board, with the single exception of CTPSB, which I hope to be able to focus on later in the year…

There were some very positive developments towards some of my primary goals, but first, here’s a look at how things stand:

Crypto Asset1st January 20231st March1st April31st December 2023 (TARGETS)
Staked SPS5497058042,000
FreeBitcoin Satoshi3,250,2604,584,6485,016,936(3,500,000) 5,000,000

A Big Jump In My Hive Holdings

Now that I have hit my (second) target of 5 million satoshi, I am able to start the next phase of my plan, which is to start moving excess satoshi off the site and into my other projects.

The first priority is to use the excess to buy HIVE each month to hit my 2,000 HIVE target asap.

Once that is done, I hope to be able to wheel the cannon around and take some pot shots at HBD and INDEX.

CTP will look after itself, I expect.

Once those targets have been met, I trust there will be enough time left in the year to bring some fire upon my secondary targets (all the other 2nd tier tokens), especially CTPSB…

Something will have to be done about AWESOME too as my rate of accumulation seems pretty feeble so far!

FUN Tokens Staked on

Turning to my FUN token stash on, a steady stream of positions will mature (each earning 25% interest) during the second half of the year, but I will still need to put in some BTC to hit the year target. That is where I am hoping my SFI Jolt auction earnings will help out.

Lastly, my mini-project of owning one whole Litecoin may have got a boost as I have some commissions on Traffic-Zipper with a Litecoin payout option, and since Litecoin transactions are very cheap, and Free-Litecoin pays 10% interest, I intend to send my earnings over to Free-Litecoin later this month.

March had its ups and downs, but as far as my crypto plans were concerned, it was not too shoddy a month.


David Hurley
