Setting Up A Basic Marketing Funnel

Module 2: Setting up a Basic Marketing Funnel

A basic marketing funnel has just 3 parts:

  1. The landing page,
  2. The autoresponder,
  3. The (low ticket) offer.

In this module, I show you how to set up a basic funnel using the free tools available on the Leadsleap platform.

Check out my video, How To Make A Landing Page for a more detailed look at how to create a landing page and embed an opt-in form.

Setting Up A Basic Marketing Funnel

Hello and welcome to module two of “How to Build a Marketing Funnel.” In this module, we’re going to have a look at how you can quickly set up a very basic marketing funnel with only three elements so that you can get up and running as quickly as possible. The three elements you need are a landing page, an autoresponder, and something to offer your subscribers.

The first two parts, a landing page and an autoresponder, can be set up for free using the marketing platform that I use for all my campaigns, which is In this blog post, I’ll take you through the setup process and show you how to find a low ticket offer for a very basic marketing funnel to get you up and running.

Set Up Your Autoresponder

First, we’ll start with setting up the autoresponder. As I work in the business to business internet marketing niche, I think “traffic” is a very good low ticket offer because people who are trying to make money on the internet need traffic. However, if you’re not in that niche, you can simply apply what I show you to your own situation by finding a low ticket offer that fits your niche.

So, let’s hop over to Leadsleap and get a free membership. Once you’ve signed up and verified your email, you can go to the list manager and add a new list for your campaign. Then, you can activate the list and set up your autoresponder. With a free account, you will be able to send out broadcast emails to your list, but you won’t be able to set up a follow-up series of emails unless you upgrade your account.

Set Up Your Landing Page

Next, we’ll move on to setting up the landing page. You can go to the Page Manager and add a new campaign. Then, you can create a new page, launch the editor, and choose a basic template with a message at the top and an autoresponder form at the bottom. You’ll then tie your autoresponder to the landing page and customize the message.

Low Ticket Offer

Finally, you’ll need to find a low ticket offer to offer to your subscribers. A low ticket offer should be only around five dollars, offer high value and high perceived value, and be relevant to your subscribers’ needs. In my case, I use a program called The Click Engine because it offers a low-cost traffic solutions to people in the business to business internet marketing field. This program has been successful for me, generating 145 sales and a seven percent conversion rate, earning me a total of $500.


In summary, with a very simple marketing funnel offering a low ticket, well-targeted offer, you can start earning recurring income which will keep you in business. The objective is to get yourself self-sufficient and have your business paying for itself as soon as possible. This is what a low ticket offer, well chosen and targeted, will do for you.

So, there you have it, a step-by-step guide to setting up a very basic marketing funnel with only three elements. I hope this helps you get started on your journey to building a successful marketing funnel. Good luck!

Action Items

  1. Open a free account with Leadsleap if you don’t yet have one.
  2. Log in to your Leadsleap account. Click “List Manager” in the menu and set up an autoresponder.
  3. Set up a landing page via the Page Manager section and connect it to your autoresponder.
  4. Post a link to your landing page in the comments, below. I will subscribe to your list to make sure everything works and offer some feedback. (No need to modify the text on the page at this stage – let’s just get the mechanism of a basic marketing funnel set up.)


David Hurley
