Using A Signature File To Promote Your Offer

Module 3: Using A Signature File To Promote Your Offer

One way to promote your low-ticket offer without “selling” is to put it in the “signature file.” In this module I show you two examples of my own campaigns. In each case I use the signature file to promote my low-ticket offer while delivering the value in my email letter series that I promised on my landing pages.

Here is a chart with the “signature file” added to the flow:

You can set up a signature file that will automatically appear beneath each and every email your autoresponder sends out. You can use a signature file to sign off your emails and add your site links to the email footer. Put those elements in a signature file and you won’t have to enter everything manually beneath each email you write.

In other words, a signature file is a great time saver.

You can also place your low-ticket offer in the signature file. This can be especially effective if your emails are offering tips and advice.

One of my mailing lists offers tips about how to work with Leadsleap, and promotes a low-ticket traffic service in the signature file. 


David Hurley


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