#2020Vision #4: Bonging the Peace Bell In Peace Park, Hiroshima

As I happened to be heading into Hiroshima city centre on business this afternoon I thought I’d take the opportunity to do my #2020Vision Challenge in Peace Park by bonging the Peace Bell.

#2020Vision Prods Me Out Of My Comfort Zone

One of the benefits of the #2020Vision challenge is that it pushes you to do things you don’t usually do. I “want” to make more outdoor videos of stuff I see and do in Japan, but I haven’t done much to push myself out of my lazy comfort zone of not bothering!

It’s a bit “mendokusai” as they say a Japan – a bit of a “nuisance,” and you might feel “hazukashii!” – “embarrassed” or “ashamed” – to be jabbering away into your smart phone as you wave it around like a nutcase – or worse still, like a, you know, like a foreign… TOURIST!

Whatever will people think…?

Well, it was a lovely afternoon and there weren’t too many people around today – perhaps a combination of worries about the Corona virus and Valentine’s Day activities had kept the hordes away.

So I was able to make my outdoor video without feeling too sheepish about it. 🙂

New Hairstyle Leads to Overexposure…

Actually, before I left home today I cut my hair. Or, I should say, I clipped my hair with a set of electric hair clippers. I think that is what caused the problems with the light balance when I attempt to film the Atom Bomb Dome across the river…

The Bonging of the Bell

After that, I “bonged” the peace bell and it resonated for several seconds, although it is difficult to hear the humming of the bell on this recording it resonated for a good FOUR seconds, thus fulfilling the #2020Vision if you stretch the definition of “four times” to mean “four times one second.”

Thanks to @pixiepost for creating the #2020vision following the example of #actifit !! Join us in the ClickTrackProfit community and learn how you too can get paid to produce blog and video content like this.

All the best,

David Hurley


Another version of this post is @ https://ctptalk.com/ctp/@hirohurl/my-4th-2020vision-challenge-bonging-the-peace-bell-in-peace-park-hiroshima