Listnerds Training Video #3 : How To Send A Mail To Listnerds Members

Yes folks, this is the video that gets down to the very basics of what Listnerds is about – sending mails to the members!

In the video I take you step by step through the process that I follow to set up an email, include a hyperlink that opens in a new window, and embed a clickable image in the body of the email.

Promoting Listnerds on Listnerds!

Oh yes, in this video you will catch me doing the crazy “promoting Listnerds on Listnerds” thing – I think Listnerds is the only program where it’s okay to promote the program on the program!

That’s because I’m really inviting the members to learn how the program works – and have the chance of earning crypto both on my blog AND on Listnerds for doing so!

So how crazy is that, after all!?!? LOL! (Just don’t promote the Listnerds affiliate program on Listnerds! DUH!)

Hey Listnerders!

…Let me know how my mailing procedure compares to your own.

And thanks to everybody for the feedback and suggestions about this training series so far. 🙂

Look out for the next Listnerds training video… coming soon!

And if there’s anything you’d like me to attempt to explain, just let me know in the comments.

If you have not yet started using Listnerds to promote your Hive blog posts, now’s a good time to start!

Here is the Listnerds White Paper:


David Hurley
