Crypto Accumulation: 2022 Report and 2023 Goals

Wishing you a happy New Year, 2023!

Here’s a video about how my crypto accumulation targets played out in 2022 and what my accumulation targets are for 2023.

Crypto Accumulation Results for 2022

As you can see in the “Crypto Accumulation Results” chart, I set myself 12 targets in 2022 but only hit five of them. However, two of the five that I hit, Bitcoin and FUN, were two of my most important targets so I’m pleased about that at least.

Crypto Asset1st January3rd December31st December2022 TARGETS
LEN47153 (90 + 63 lp)178 (115 + 63 lp)1000
FreeBitcoin Satoshi1,520,2913,004,5783,253,8893,000,000
SPS606 (468 + 138 lp)725 (549 + 176 lp)300

As for the tokens that did not hit their targets, at least I made progress with all of them to some extent in 2022, and all without any external investment. Everything came from content creation, commenting, upvoting, staking dividends, airdrops, and gameplay.

Now let’s look at my targets for 2023

Crypto Accumulation Targets for 2023

I have added four cryptos to my target list for this year. They are:

  • HBD – Hive Backed Dollars are part of the Hive ecosphere but pegged to the US$ and at present they yield 20% per year in interest.
  • Awesome – 2nd tier token on the Hive blockchain. Part of the IAmAlive project. Check out this Peakd post for a recent update. I believe Awesome will hold its value or increase against Hive.
  • BBH – A 2nd tier tipping and income token project on the Hive blockchain, run by @Bradleyarrow.
  • Litecoin – I’m aiming to earn ONE Litecoin on the Free-Litecoin site simply by clicking a button and earning 10% interest and affiliate commissions.

Three of my four new crypto targets are for tokens related to the Hive blockchain. For more info about what Hive can offer you – and how you can build a crypto-based income by creating content on the Hive blockchain, check out this free course of training videos:

Here are my crypto accumulation targets for the coming year:

Crypto Asset1st January 202331st December 2023 (TARGETS)
Staked SPS5492,000
FreeBitcoin Satoshi3,250,2603,500,000

Once I hit my Freebitcoin satoshi targets of 3.5 million sats and 250 thousand FUN, I intend to start moving my BTC earnings offsite. Part of those earnings will be set aside to help fund my Hive-based targets. As for the rest, I want to buy a hardware wallet and start storing my crypto assets offline.

How about you? Do you have any crypto targets for 2023? Let us know in the comments, below.


And all the best for a peaceful and profitable 2023.

David Hurley


P. S. Check out my free Beginners Crypto Course if you’d like to learn more about how to accumulate crypto without investing a dime.

8 Comments on Crypto Accumulation: 2022 Report and 2023 Goals

  1. Well done on achieving two of your most important goals. Setting goals is important but in a volatile crypto world they are not always easy to achieve. But at least they have all grown. How do you know which are the best ones to invest in? Will one learn all that in the course you recommend at the bottom of your post?

    • Thank you, Michel. The course offers my tips and opinions based on my own experience and shows how to grow a portfolio of crypto tokens without any out-of-pocket investment.

  2. Hey David I am so excited to have reached this post. I have subscribed to your email list and would really love to work more closely with you. I am very interested in building a crypto portfolio and also building a niche website around the subject. I want you to please take me into your inner circle and mentor me to get started with crypto as fast as humanly possible. Thank you so much in advance.

    • Hello Harmony,

      Thank you for reaching out to me and subscribing to my list. I hope you get good value from the information I provide. Feel free to contact me an time you have any specific questions.

  3. David, I was very impressed with your review, although I have to admit that my knowledge of cryptocurrencies is very superficial. Your knowledge of cryptocurrencies and excellent explanation of your goals and results in 2022 and new goals for 2023 will be of great help to many people.

  4. David Hurley knows what he’s talking about. It explains in detail and excellently the goals and results for 2022 in the influx of cryptocurrencies. He also presented a new plan for 2023. His reviews and his cryptocurrency courses will be of great help to many people. I was very impressed by his presentation, so I also decided to enroll in one of his free cryptocurrency courses.

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