I had a completely free day to myself on Saturday and I was pleased to see that my Splinterlands “focus” for the day was “Earth,” which is my strongest splinter (speaking as a Bronze I player).
Until then I hadn’t played many focus games because the 24 hour duration of each focus seemed too much for me, compared to the old “win five times” challenges.
Also, I’d read some of the inevitable negative comments about people hating the new system because… they weren’t winning as many chests as before.
Season Chests and Focus Chests
However, as I played game after game on Saturday morning I noticed that I was winning Season chests as well as Focus chests, and that I could win season chests even when I was not playing my focus splinter.
By the end of the day I’d won far more chests with the new set up than I ever won playing the old challenges.
Maybe the moaners are in higher leagues where things have probably got tougher as more people invest in upgrading their decks.
Even if I only play for an hour or two a day, I think I can still win more chests per day than I was winning in the previous version. The most chests I’d won before was nine, whereas I ended Saturday with 53 chests. I won 16 of them playing the focus splinter and once the session was over I was able to open them…
Here’s what I won:
Not too shabby at all for a Bronze player!
How are you enjoying the new version? Let us know in the comments.
David Hurley
P. S. Not yet tried Splinterlands? Start Playing Today!