Today’s Incredible LISTNERDS Earnings Push Me Into The 10k Club

These days, one of my favourite moments of the day is the mid afternoon when I log in to my Listnerds account to check my CTP and LISTNERDS rewards.

CTP Tokens

As I already have 20,000 CTP tokens staked inside Listnerds, I transfer my CTP rewards over to Hive-Engine.

I exchange of a portion of them for SwapHive (if the price is right) and stake the rest. Then I invest use the SwapHive to buy into some other tokens that I am accumulating, especially Splinterlands SPS.


As for LISTNERDS tokens, when you claim them they are automatically staked inside and I have not yet unstaked any. The only LISTNERDS I trade are those I win as “Shaky-Shaky” prizes as they are added to the liquid section of the account.

I have an Enterprise subscription and I have been fairly consistent in sending at least one email on Listnerds every day, and sometimes two. I don’t force it though. I only send two emails if I really have two pieces of content that I consider good enough quality for the community to enjoy.

In that way, I have a reasonable expectation of seeing my posts garner the 20< approval rating to be “verified” and qualify for the daily rewards…

Mind you, it doesn’t always happen that my posts are verified, even if I consider them good quality. None of us has a right to verification. It’s up to the community.

Consistency Is The Key To Incredibility

However, I have consistently been creating content, mailing on Listnerds, and earning between 150 and 350 LISTNERDS per day since I upgraded to Enterprise at the beginning of May. It have been an incredible journey.

As I reported in this blog post earlier this month, I accumulated over 5,000 LISTNERDS in May.

When 200 Tokens Seemed A Stretch!

Back in February when I set my YEARLY target at 200 LISTNERDS, earning 5,000 tokens in a year would be an urealistic expectation, so to earn them in a single month would have seemed incredible.

I even thought 200 might be a bit of a stretch and that I was challenging myself by setting that target!

Incredible Daily Earnings!

So today, when I logged in and checked my earnings for the last 24 hours, I was gobsmacked to see that I had earned an absolutely incredible 656 LISTNERDS since I last claimed my earnings the previous afternoon.

Where did those LISTNERDS earnings come from?

The bulk of them came from the daily distribution pool. The tokens were distributed to the senders of verified mails on 30th May. That day I sent two mails that were both verifired, so I earned two lots of the daily token share, which happened to be 206.378 tokens that day.


206.378 x 2 = 412.756 tokens.

Another 157.853 tokens came from a solo mail that I had sent out earlier today…

412.756 + 157.853 = 570.609

And the rest of the tokens must have come from the daily dividend that my 9,474.432 staked LISTNERDS generated.

I knew that I was closing in on 10,000 staked LISTNERDS, but I didn’t expect to get there until the weekend, so I was super stoked to stake my earnings and bust join the other 15 members of the 10k< LISTNERDS club!

An Incredible Journey

I think everybody in the “club” would agree that the last few months have been an incredible journey with Listnerds.

Onwards and upwards my friends!


David Hurley



P. S. If you have not yet joined Listnerds you can do so here:

If you’d like to know what it’s all about first, check out the (easy-to-read) white paper: