Crypto Accumulation Report December 2023

Happy New Year!

At last, the moment has come to see how many of my 2023 crypto goals I achieved during the course of the year. I set myself 14 goals in all, and managed to hit ten of them and finish the year with nine of them still in place. (I transferred a lot of my BTC into “other projects” after hitting that target a few weeks ago.)

So here is how the chart looks now 2023 is all over:

Crypto Asset1st January 20232nd December31st December31st December 2023 (Targets)
HIVE Power1,1933,4213,4382,000
AWESOME00.941.019 !!200
Staked SPS5496,2776,4492,000
FreeBitcoin Satoshi3,350,2604,251,3133,956,022(5,000,000)

I Hit My FUN Target!

The big news for December is that I pushed myself into achieving my FUN token target of 250,000 tokens locked away on where they earn 25% annual interest and qualify me for other benefits such as an increased BTC interest rate, and extra spins of the daily “Wheel of Fortune.”

To hit my FUN target, I had to squeeze my balance to buy 51,000 FUN tokens, and earned the rest by converting Reward Points into “5 FUN per hour” prizes on the hourly faucet claim.

HIVE and HBD Successes

As the year progressed I got more and more interested in accumulating the primary tokens of the Hive blockchain, and almost tripled my HIVE holdings from 1,193 on January 1st to 3,438 HIVE, which smashed my 2023 target of 2,000 HIVE, and averaged out at a growth rate of 6.15 HIVE per day.

As for HBD, I woke up to its potential when, early one June morning I suddenly came up with the idea of an “HBD Ladder To Freedom” and blogged about it here:

Once I had the concept in place, I started to focus on speeding up my rate of accumulation, which I continued to do until December, when my effort dropped off considerably. Even so, that initiative helped me to achieve my 2023 goal of 1,000 HBD quite quickly, after which I was able to accumulate an additional 348 HBD, helped in part by the increased earnings from interest, which is added to HBD savings once a month.

2nd Tier Hits

  • Staked SPS – As the year progressed I came to see the value of accumulating and staking SPS inside Splinterlands and so I busted through my modest target of 2,000 SPS, finishing the year with more than 3 x that amount staked on the game.
  • LEO – At the beginning of the year I saw Leofinance as a front end for my occasional blog posts about crypto and little more. However, the more I listened to @taskmaster4450 the more I realized the potential of the token. Okay, it’s no big deal to aim for 500 tokens and end the year on 1,518, but LEO is one 2nd tier token I’m going to keep on accumulating in 2024.
  • LEN – I’m pleased with my progress on this front. I aimed to grow my holdings to 1,000 LEN and ended the year with 1,234, thanks in large part to the LEN/LENM liquidity pool on Tribaldex.

Apart from those tokens, I also hit my targets for INDEX, CTPSB, and BBH.

2nd Tier Misses

The prize for this section goes to AWESOME! I must have been a bit confused or befuddled when I set my awesome goal for AWESOME because it was completely unrealistic, given the cost of one AWESOME token is somewhere between 16 and 17 HIVE! In the end, I was pleased to end the year with 1/200 tokens!

Near Misses

I made a push towards my targets for ALIVE and POB, but did not quite hit the mark, mainly because I didn’t want to buy any more 2nd tier tokens by transferring Bitcoin.

As for CTP, I continued to stake my earnings but didn’t see any point in buying the extra tokens I would have needed to hit the 60,000 target. Whether I actually have 53,675** tokens is a moot point as 20,001 of them are locked away in Listnerds and currently inaccessible. Let’s see what 2024 brings to the Listnerds project. I believe @robwillmann is the new owner, and if so, I wish him all the best as he gets to grips with the program.

Okay, that’s enough for now. I’ll talk about my Hive blockchain goals for 2024 in my next post. 🙂

All the best for the coming year!

David Hurley


    2 Comments on Crypto Accumulation Report December 2023

    1. David, great update and Happy New Year! Hit me up about Listnerds. I purchased the site from Jon, so reach out to me re: the ctp tokens. I’m working on getting back up and running properly. -Rob

      • Happy New Year, Rob! Good to hear from you. I’m pleased to learn you have taken over the reins of Listnerds. No worries about the tokens on Listnerds, especially if you can restore it to health. If you want to talk things over any time, let me know and we can meet up online.

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