Safelist Marketing 1: What is a Safelist?

The purpose of this Safelist Marketing course is to show you how to use the best credit-based safelists to maximum advantage to build your mailing list. You will learn how to attract new subscribers onto your mailing list every single day – even on days when you are too busy with offline stuff to work on your online business. Building a mailing list of people in your target market is one of the best marketing tactics out there. If your niche is in any way related to the massive “make money online” market, then safelist marketing is a great way to build your list.

Okay, let’s dive in.

Watch My “What Is A Safelist?” Explainer Video

What Is A Safelist?

A “safelist” or “viral mailer” is an online service that provides a platform for people to promote their products or services and build their brand. 

Safelists allow members to send emails to one another and to receive emails from other members. When you join a safelist service you are in effect giving the other members permission to mail you without having their emails flagged as spam.

Safelist websites are often used by Internet marketers to reach potential customers and build their email lists.

Credit-based Safelists

Credit-based safelists require members to accumulate and use credits to post emails to the members.

Typically, credits can be bought, or earned by upgrading your membership. However, the most common way to accumulate credits is to click a link in other members’ emails and then click a credit button on the landing page (usually after a countdown timer has reached zero).

The ability to earn credits by clicking links inside other members’ emails provides an incentive for members to open safelist emails and “click through” to your landing page. While they are waiting for the credit timer to count down they will be exposed to your message and if it resonates with them, they will opt in to your mailing list to get more information.

In my experience, working with credit-based safelists can be a cheap (or even free) and effective way to add subscribers to your email mailing list.

All the best,

David Hurley
