How many times do you see the same LiveGood affiliate marketing page when you surf the safelists and traffic exchanges these days?
Seems like everybody is in LiveGood and is trying to sell the program to everybody else.
I’m in LiveGood too, but I never promote the standard Livegood affiliate page to cold traffic on those sites – or on any site.
Here is a video I made about how to promote Livegood “on the backend.” I direct people to this video as soon as they opt in to my Livegood backend marketing email list.
Learn how to stand out from the crowd and build a profitable LiveGood business on the back end.
Somebody Stop The Madness!
Video Transcript
Hey there LiveGood affiliate, are you feeling frustrated with all the LiveGood competition that’s out there? It seems that wherever you turn on the safelists, traffic exchanges, and classified ad boards, everybody is trying to get people to join up through the same LiveGood opt-in page. This is not a good way to go about getting people to join LiveGood. There’s nothing wrong with the page, but you’re trying to sell cold traffic into a program instead of offering value on the front end.
So, my message to you is if you’re feeling frustrated with your results or lack of results trying to promote LiveGood, stop the madness. Learn how to stand out from the crowd and build a profitable LiveGood business on the back end. Now, you don’t have to be in my LiveGood team to benefit from my training, and this is what we’re going to look at.
1. Stop Promoting Livegood To Cold Traffic
First, stop promoting the LiveGood sign-up page to cold traffic. Next, think about promoting yourself. You are unique; there’s nobody out there like you. So, promote yourself and your own free offer. Use unique opt-in pages to do that, and then follow up with value through the email series once people have opted into your list.
2. Show Your Leads A $12 Solution
Now, next is to show your leads a $12 solution where you can earn 100% commissions. So, we haven’t even mentioned LiveGood yet in this marketing strategy. LiveGood is on the back end.
What we’re doing is funding our marketing campaign and offering people a unique solution to the thing they need most, which is traffic to their LiveGood page. So, offer this solution. These sales will cover your marketing expenses.
3. Plug LiveGood Into The Backend
On the back end, we plug LiveGood into the system, and I have already done that for you. Then you can show your subscribers how to duplicate that system, and now what’s going to happen is that your warm market will discover Live Good in the back end. So, the system we’re talking about is the Prosperity Marketing System and I have spent $97 to get the right to offer my own program or whatever program I choose in the back end of this $12 100% [commission] lead-building system. It’s one of the best systems out there – Prosperity Marketing System. So, you can join Prosperity Marketing System through my link, and you won’t have to spend $97 to put Live Good in the back office right there as the primary offer.
David Hurley